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What is the Difference Between OEM and OEE Windshields?


Regarding windshield replacement, you might have come across terms like “OEM” and “OEE” windshields. While both serve the same purpose of protecting you from the elements and ensuring road safety, there are significant differences. In this article, we will explore the difference between OEM and OEE windshields, so you can make an informed decision when the time comes for a windshield replacement.

What is the Difference Between OEM and OEE Windshields?

Before delving into the differences, let’s understand what OEM and OEE stand for.

  • OEM Windshields: “OEM” stands for Original Equipment Manufacturer. OEM windshields are produced by the same company that manufactured your vehicle. They are identical to the original windshield that came with your car when it rolled off the assembly line.
  • OEE Windshields: “OEE” stands for Original Equipment Equivalent. OEE windshields are manufactured by companies other than the vehicle’s original maker. These companies adhere to the same standards as OEM manufacturers and produce windshields that are comparable in quality and performance.

Now, let’s explore the differences between these two types of windshields:

Material Quality and Fit

The primary difference between OEM and OEE windshields is the material quality and fit. OEM windshields are crafted with the exact specifications and materials used in your vehicle’s original windshield. This ensures a perfect fit and maintains the structural integrity of your car.

On the other hand, OEE windshields are made to fit a wide range of vehicle models. While they undergo rigorous testing to meet safety standards, they might not match the precise specifications of your car as closely as OEM windshields.

Brand Name and Logo

OEM windshields bear the logo and brand name of the original vehicle manufacturer. This can be essential for car enthusiasts and those who value brand consistency.

In contrast, OEE windshields do not carry the logo or brand name of the vehicle’s original manufacturer. Instead, they are designed to be more generic, and they might have the name of the OEE manufacturer discreetly etched on the glass.


Due to the exact fit and brand association, OEM windshields are more expensive than OEE windshields. The premium price reflects the assurance of high-quality materials and is an exact match to your vehicle.

On the other hand, OEE windshields are often more budget-friendly while offering a comparable level of performance and safety.

Insurance Coverage

Insurance policies may have different coverage options for OEM and OEE windshields. Some policies may cover only OEM windshields, while others might offer coverage for OEM and OEE options.

Reviewing your insurance policy to understand which type of windshield replacement is covered is crucial, as this can influence your decision.


OEM windshields are more readily available at authorized dealerships and repair centers. You can easily find an OEM windshield when needed since they are specifically made for your vehicle’s make and model.

OEE windshields are also widely available but might require more searching, especially if you are looking for a particular brand or model.

Warranty Considerations

The warranties offered for OEM and OEE windshields may vary. OEM windshields typically come with a contract directly from the vehicle manufacturer, ensuring additional peace of mind.

On the other hand, OEE windshields may be accompanied by warranties from the manufacturing company or the installer. It’s essential to review the terms and coverage of the contract before deciding.

Resale Value

For those who plan to sell or trade in their vehicles in the future, the type of windshield can impact the resale value. OEM windshields are considered to maintain the originality and authenticity of the car, which can positively affect its resale value.

While OEE windshields are manufactured to high standards, some buyers might prefer OEM windshields when purchasing a used car.

Installation Process

Experienced professionals should install both OEM and OEE windshields. Proper installation is crucial to ensure the windshield’s structural integrity and safety.

While the installation process for both windshields is similar, specific tools and techniques might be required for OEM windshields due to their precise fit.

Environmental Considerations

From an environmental perspective, there isn’t a substantial difference between OEM and OEE windshields. Both types are recyclable and contribute to sustainable practices when disposed of properly.

Aftermarket Options

Apart from OEM and OEE windshields, there are also aftermarket options available. Third-party companies manufacture aftermarket windshields and are not associated with any specific vehicle manufacturer.

While they can be more affordable, aftermarket windshields might vary in quality, and finding the right fit can be challenging.

Advantages of OEM Windshields

OEM windshields provide numerous benefits that make them an attractive option for many vehicle owners:

Precise Fit and Material Quality

One of the most significant advantages of OEM windshields is their precise fit and high-quality materials. Using original materials ensures that the windscreen maintains the same level of durability and performance as the one it replaced.

Brand Authenticity and Logo

The brand authenticity and logo on OEM windshields are crucial for brand-conscious individuals. The original vehicle manufacturer’s logo on the windscreen adds a touch of realism and reinforces the connection to the vehicle’s brand. This feature can be essential for car enthusiasts and those who take pride in the make and model of their vehicles.

Direct Warranty from the Vehicle Manufacturer

Another advantage of OEM windshields is the direct warranty offered by the vehicle manufacturer. This warranty provides peace of mind knowing that if any defects or issues arise with the windscreen, you can seek support and replacement directly from the original vehicle maker. This level of warranty coverage ensures a higher level of customer satisfaction and confidence in the product.

Enhanced Resale Value for the Vehicle

Choosing OEM windshields can positively impact the resale value of your vehicle. When potential buyers see an OEM windshield with the original brand logo, it signifies that the car has been well-maintained and has undergone quality repairs and replacements. As a result, the vehicle tends to retain its value better than those with non-OEM parts.

Widely Available at Authorized Dealerships

OEM windshields are readily available at authorized dealerships and repair centers. This easy accessibility means you can obtain a genuine replacement windshield with ease and confidence in its authenticity. The convenience of finding OEM windshields at authorized locations is a significant advantage for many vehicle owners.

Advantages of OEE Windshields

OEE windshields also offer several compelling advantages that make them a popular choice among car owners:

Comparable Material Quality and Fit

OEE windshields are designed to meet the same quality and safety standards as OEM windshields. While the vehicle’s original manufacturer may not produce them, they undergo rigorous testing to ensure they meet or exceed industry requirements. This ensures that OEE windshields provide comparable material quality and fit to OEM options.

More Budget-Friendly Option

One of the most appealing advantages of OEE windshields is their affordability. OEE windshields can offer significant cost savings for budget-conscious consumers without compromising quality.

Widely Available in the Market

OEE windshields are widely available in the market and can be found at various auto glass repair and replacement shops. Their broad availability ensures you can find a suitable replacement windshield for your vehicle without much hassle.

Environmentally Friendly and Recyclable

Like OEM windshields, OEE windshields are environmentally friendly and recyclable. They contribute to sustainable practices by reducing waste and promoting the reuse of materials. Choosing an OEE windshield can align with eco-conscious values without compromising safety or quality.

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In conclusion, understanding the difference between OEM and OEE windshields is crucial when making a well-informed decision for your vehicle. As original equipment from the manufacturer, OEM windshields offer an exact fit, brand authenticity, and direct warranty support. These factors can be valuable for car enthusiasts, those seeking brand consistency, and individuals looking to maintain their vehicle’s resale value. On the other hand, OEE windshields, as original equipment equivalents, provide a budget-friendly option without compromising on safety and quality. They undergo rigorous testing to meet industry standards, ensuring reliable performance and protection.

When choosing between OEM and OEE windshields, consider factors such as material quality, fit, pricing, brand association, insurance coverage, and availability. Assess your specific needs, preferences, and budget to determine which type of windshield aligns best with your requirements.

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